Completed In-Progress Not Started
Accessibility Checklist
Develop an accessibility checklist for departments and RSOs to use when planning events.
UCF Events Checklist
Status: Complete
Expansion of CAPS
Advocate for an expansion of UCF Counseling and Psychological Services.
Status: In-Progress
Accessibility Focus group
Create a focus group with Student Accessibility Services centered around building accessibility at all UCF campuses.
Golf Cart Reservation for ADA Students
Golf Cart Reservations for all Students at night
Cultural Fusion Fest
100 Orgs in 100 Days
Students’ preferred Pronouns on ID’s
Stickers and buttons for UCF ID can be found at Card Services.
Kosher/Halal Food Options
Halal food option coming to the Union in the Spring. Kosher Food Options still in progress.
Digital Maps
DGC Representation on Campus
Self-guided tours in Spanish
Expanded Knight’s Pantry
Extended Library Hours
Collaborate with the John C Hitt library to remain overnight for students. Hitt Library Hours:
Sunday: 12:00 Noon to 6:00 AM (Monday) Monday: 7:30 Am to 6:00 AM following day Tuesday: 7:30 Am to 6:00 AM following day Wednesday: 7:30 Am to 6:00 AM following day Thursday: 7:30 Am to 6:00 AM following day Friday: 7:30 AM to 7:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Professional Headshot Booths
Implement professional headshot booths in campus locations.
College Major Showcase
Host a College Major Showcase to allow students to find a major that best fits their interests.
Affordable Textbook Resources
Provide resources for affordable textbooks.
Textbook Emergency Fund
Promotion of Alternate Study Spaces
Video can be found on SG Instagram.
Reimbursements for Graduate School exams
Accessibility to SG Scholarships
SG Scholarships can be found on A2O.
Improvement on Advising
Successfully advocated for a more centralized advising model to lower wait times.
Degree Audit Workshops
Host workshops to equip students on how to follow their degree audit.
Study Room Reservation Improvement
Improve the current system for reserving library study rooms.
Student Classroom Reservation
Beta program will be launched with Trevor C. Hall.
Automated Advising FAQ service
Brightline Discount
Advocate for a student discount for the Brightline as students travel or visit their families in South Florida.
-All students and faculty that register their account with email will receive a 25% off discount for every ride that they book.
Protective measures in Garages
Successfully advocated for increased speed bumps in garages, as well as mirrors in select parking garages. Advocate for fences and deterrent technology on tops of parking garages. Status: Complete
Hurricane Relief Fund
Develop a hurricane relief fund that is accessible to all students negatively impacted.
Transportation Partnership’s
Continuation of contracts with Brightline and Lyft.
Utilize the Arboretum in Partership with Caps
Increase Visibility in low-traffic Areas
Increase visibility in low-traffic areas on campus. First round of lighting improvements will be in the following areas: John T. Washington and South of Trevor Colburn Hall; Reflecting Pond, Howard Phillips Hall, and Volusia Hall; Area between Ferrell Commons, Math & Science, Brevard Hall, and the Health Center; Hercules; and parking lots within Greek Park.
Drug and Alcohol Safety Kits
Collaborate with UCFPD to create drug and alcohol safety kits that are accessible to students in campus offices, housing, and public spaces.
Increase Awareness on Evacuation Procedures
Increase awareness on how to evacuate classrooms, sporting events, etc. during an emergency.
Training for Faculty & Student Leaders
Advocating for safety training modules as a requirement for RSO leadership when re-registering.
Enhancing Pedestrian Safety
Reviewing blind spots and low visibility areas on campus with facilities and parking and transportation.
Regular Updates On Social Media
Promote Downtown, Rosen, and Lake Nona opportunities to main campus.
Rosen Food Options
Advocate for hot food options at the Rosen Campus.
Centralized Resource Hub
Create a centralized resource hub to advertise all campus resources that are available to students.
Social Media Presence
Promotion of resources on social media. Increased follower count by 3,000.
Walmart Grocery Shuttles
In progress pending poll results
Partnership with Downtown, Rosen, and Lake Nona
Continue the partnership with Downtown, Rosen, and Lake Nona to ensure all campuses feel connected.
on budget spending
Spread awareness about the A&SF Budget Hearings and process.
between SG and RSO’s
Hosted several funding workshops in collaboration with Senate for RSO leaders to learn about receiving funding
Hold conversations with UCF administration to increase transparency in administrative decisions.
Celebration of Big 12 Pride
Click here for more!
Advertise for all UCF sports teams
Greek Community Conversations
Commuter Student Lounge
RSO Seating in Football Student Section
Promotion of on Campus Jobs
Big 12 Unity
Advertise resources and opportunities for transfer students prior to their start at UCF
Developed relationships with the Transfer Center and attended tabling events and workshops to share the resources available to incoming transfer students.
Job fair for on-campus employment opportunities
Classes canceled on Election Day
Development and construction of the UCF Performing Arts Center
Strengthen Connections with Alumni Community
Advertisement of all UCF Sports Teams
Arboretum is supported as they complete their transition into the Facilities Department
SNAP benefits at Knights Stop and other campus stores
Competition between housing communities regarding energy usage
Expansion of Knights Pantry
Big 12 Energy Consumption Competition
Collaborate with Athletics to promote eco-friendly tailgating
Eco-friendly Tailgating Guide
Campus wide Earth Day Celebration
Increase trash cans and recycling bins across campus
Addressing Food Insecurity
Earth Day Celebration