Yes, please see attached List of RSOs below.
List of Military and Veterans RSOs
The 55th Student Government Student Senate on July 27, 2023, established the Military and Veterans Caucus. Currently, the caucus has an “ad hoc” status meaning the caucus was established for a particular purpose and a limited time. In accordance with Resolution 55-03 [Resolution to Create an Ad Hoc Caucus for Military and Veterans], the caucus will operate concurrently with the 55th Student Senate Session of the University of Central Florida and expire upon the end of the 55th Student Senate Session of the University of Central Florida. The caucus may be established as a permanent standing caucus based on its success.
Please see the attached resolution below.
Resolution 55-03
The caucus exists to bridge the gap between Student Government and the Military Student Community.
Students who are not Student Government Senators can’t join the caucus as voting members. However, all students are encouraged to sit in during these caucus meetings! You can even express ideas and ask questions at the beginning of each meeting.
Any Student Government agent can be a member of the Military and Veterans Caucus. Registered Student Organization (RSO) representatives can also be members of the caucus as one of the three ex-officio members.